Friday, 20 May 2011

As I adventure with you today

There's a new book being written, albeit slowly because of the subject matter - prayers that encompass the broad area of 'Times of Trouble', which can be times when our faith seems lacking, our health is poor or we just want to cry out to  God over injustice. It's about healing and wholeness.

This one was written yesterday - I like the whole picture of our faith as journeying with God, through good times and bad, but always to a destination and never wandering randomly!

As I adventure with you today
be the compass that guides me
the light that shines on my path
the only one I follow.

As I adventure with you today
be the word that encourages
the hand that reaches out
each time I stumble

As I adventure with you today
let me glimpse our destination
and appreciate the places
through which you lead me

As I adventure with you today
be the strength I need to follow
and as the day draws to a close
let me rest in your embrace.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

I call to you Lord

I call to you, Lord
at the dawn of this new day,
place into your hands
family and friends,
work to be done,
decisions I shall make,
obstacles I encounter,
strangers who pass my way,
the service I shall offer.

I call to you, Lord
at the dawn of this new day,
my rock and my fortress,
my strength and deliverer,
for all I am is yours,
each moment of this day
gifted to me by grace,
and offered in your name,
my offering of praise.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Life is a struggle, Lord

 I look after my mother who has dementia, and in this prayer I have tried to see life from her perspective.

 “For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help.” (Psalm 22:24 )

Life is a struggle, Lord.
Time plays its tricks
on body, mind and spirit.
Simple tasks that in my youth
would have taken minutes
now consume
my waking moments,

Life is a struggle, Lord.
Technology confuses,
so little now makes sense.
Age strips the brain of sharpness
that once would have found words
but now struggles,

Life is a struggle, Lord.
You alone are my constancy,
all I cling to.
Accept my mustard seed of faith,
and the simple words I offer,
my sacrifice of prayer.