Wednesday 2 December 2009

Doing the obedience thing!

I've been thinking a lot about Mary, mother of Jesus in the run up to Christmas, and her response to God's amazing call on her life. After all, she was just an ordinary country girl, probably average intelligence, in fact like most of us I guess. Then I looked back at Moses and his response to God at the burning bush and there are some similarities. Mary was initially unsure of her capabilities (bearing in mind her age and lack of a husband) and so was Moses, who couldn't think of a more unlikely person than himself to declare the word of the Lord to the Pharoah.

But in each case God was gracious enough to answer their fears, give them the strength and courage to do his will and the rest is history (as they say)

I wonder how many of us only get as far as the listening to God's call and deciding it's not for us? We fail to even get back to him and say with surprise 'Surely not me, God?'  assuming that he'll find someone else who's got a bit more free time and enthusiasm. Because the truth about God's purpose is that he chooses the right people, in the right place and at the right time, so our failure to respond is not only disobedience, it must also grieve God who is there waiting to empower us to do his will, and become the people he wants us to be.

Just a thought!

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