Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Prayer banned for being too Christian!

A Hospital Chaplain (who will remain nameless!) asked if it was OK to use the prayer of mine pasted below as part of a general chaplaincy leaflet, but was then told not to use it by the hospital 'powers-that-be' as it was too Christian!

Don't you just love political correctness!  Make up your own mind.........

I prayed
"Please Lord,
my life is a mess,
let your love flow through me
and bring healing."
And like a river,
cool refreshing water,
you flowed through me.
Not as a gentle stream,
a rivulet of hope,
but a torrent,
sweeping debris away.
All those broken branches,
rust-encrusted items
and accumulated debris
which were holding back the flow,
swept aside in a torrent of love,
flooding through my veins,
pouring into my heart,
filling my life.
This is healing.
Thank you, Lord

1 comment:

  1. I like it ! honestly to christina !
    lol just can never be perfect can we . I find more often then not my friend who are politically correct or so accpeting of others are actually the most judging . I'm never catholic enough for most american actholics and for my secular or pagan aquaintances I'm not cool enough because I'm catholic .
    just stuck in the middle ☺ with Him and its just fine
    today I mediated on follwoing the masses . I don't think I want to or should , there will always be a trend , a supposed better way . In the end fades and political correctness come and come ,Christ remains constant .
    I am so happy I found you website . I was looking up Beltane for Christians .
    Thanks so much
